Today marks my first true encounter with “blogging” in the real blog world. Interesting to say the least. After meticulously searching through many bizarre and strange gender blogs (i.e. Sarah Palin-the Playboy Electorate or Eater-Weird Fish Spinoff), I came across The Breeder Files- a lusciously personal blog straight from the lips of Breedermama. Delving deep into Breedermama’s personal life while reading her posts about her daily activities with her children, who she refers to as J Pants and E Bean, and her husband, Daddy Pants (which I’m assuming refers to who wears the pants in their relationship) made me feel uncomfortable and intrusive into a random life; however, as I began reading her most recent blog post “Pink, it’s a loaded color...” I realized that I had a lot in common with this strange blogger.
Breedermama has “always prided herself with being an open-minded person, especially in regards to gender issues”(Breedermama 1). Always imagining that she would be the mother of little girls, her expectations of motherhood drastically changed when she had two sons. Breedermama’s “visions of going shopping with my mini-me and purchasing her a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves” (Breedermama 2) were shattered- “It had never occurred to me that members of the opposite sex are forced into their own cookie cutter mold, until I looked at my tiny son and thought of all the things people project onto his gender” (Breedermama 5). Disregarding these societal projections, Breedermama became determined not to impose any gender bias on her sons. J Pants and E Bean only received white baby accessories and could only play with toys or anything with colors that were not directly linked to the male or female race. Sans Tonka Trucks and Barbie dolls, Breedermama blogged about her children’s normal development without have been imposed with the societal expectations of boys or girls. Was the source of Breedermama’s rejection of gender-based colors, toys, and expectations coming from her disappointment in not having a girl? Possibly…
To say I am going to provide my baby with a “gender-free” lifestyle like Breedermama is ludicrous; however I strongly agree with the basic philosophy’s that Breedermama holds herself to regarding societal expectations. People are always “caught up in the tiny box that [people] have been forced into over the decades” (4). Until the birth of her second child, “it had never occurred to [Breedermama] that members of the opposite sex are forced into their own cookie cutter mold” because “of all the things people project onto one’s gender” (4). My personal philosophical beliefs are comprised of ignoring societies expectations and disregarding what other people think of me. Don’t get me wrong here because this is not a negative attribute. Whether its buying baby toys of a certain color, shopping for make up, or gossiping over useless information, people spend an excessive time worrying about expectations. For Breedermama it was the gender expectations of males (i.e. playing with tonka trunks, wearing blue, or being tough) but her philosophies can apply to everyone. We should all learn from Breedermama and act naturally and do things that we personally want to do- not what society wants us to do.
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